Young ICT Explorers Hobart was a huge success! This year was the first time we held YICTE in Tasmania and everyone was very pleased with how well it was received.
The event was hosted in the Activities Centre at the University of Tasmania, Sandy Bay where a total of 57 students from 7 schools participated and presented a total of 21 projects.
I’m always impressed by the diversity of projects students come up with and in Hobart they really were a credit to the students that created them, and of course their teachers too.
I was also impressed by the thinking behind the projects as exemplified by that of a poster that read “be creative every day” which just about sums up the day. But in the end it wasn’t about the posters it was about the technology.
A few of the projects that spring to mind were the Library Door Counter that used a Lego EV3 and infrared light sensors to count people walking in and out of the library and uploads the data to a webserver. Another project that stood out measured your heart rate using a light-sensor attached to your finger, and finally an App that formed the basis of a school management system and could even do lunch orders!
We would like to thank our guest keynote speaker Casey Farrell from Takeflight who gave students a talk in where ICT might take you. We would also like to thank the University of Tasmania and staff for making the event possible.
And the winners are…
Year 3 – 4
1st Place: St Michael’s Collegiate with Robotic Maze (by Lily Schuecker-Rush, Sarah Gilmour and Alexandra Belbin)
2nd Place: The Friends’ School with Robot to held disabled people (by George Pelham, Gabriel Williams, Lawrence Jeffs and Toby Legg)
3rd Place: St Michael’s Collegiate with A Book of Adventures (by Ashley Walker, Grace Viney, Madie Anders and Emma Weinmann)
Merit: The Friends’ School with App about Tasmania – Fun things to do (by Mia Lewis, lucy McMullen, Isabelle Krumnick and Lucy Cooper)
Year 5 – 6
1st Place: The Friends’ School with New programming language (by Alex Boxall)
2nd Place: The Friends’ School with Robotic arm to assist armless people (by Bede House, James Wilson, Matthew Pervan and Dashiel Poxon)
3rd Place: The Friends’ School with Using ANPR Software to open a model roller door (by Williem Van Dorselaer and Zachary Kardos)
Year 9 – 10
1st Place Equal: Taroona High School with Taroona High School App (by Johann Burgess)
1st Place Equal: New Town High School with Intel Edison Heart Rate Display (by Joshua Butler)
2nd Place: St Michael’s Collegiate with Interactive Map (by Sancia Bingham, Portia Memeo and Madeleine Dragar)
3rd Place: Clarence High School with Splattertack (by Isaac Koerbin, Sam Carey, Liam Connor and Felix Ismay)
Merit: New Town High School with VFX (by Luke O’Brien)
Year 11 – 12
1st Place: Claremont College with Library Door Counter (by Ethan Phillips, Josh Brumby and Shea Bunge)
Student Choice
St Michael’s Collegiate with BeeBot Soccer (by Isabella Corbin, Zara Sargent, Amelia Olencewicz and Abbie Genders)
By Thomas Montague & Shannon Dooley
Credit: Photo by Zachary Thomas of Interactive Map