2024 Registrations are open
Teachers/Parents/Guardians can register their school or independent entry by signing up to our online registration portal and indicating the anticipated number of project teams entering.
Teachers/Parents/Guardians can register their school or independent entry by signing up to our online registration portal and indicating the anticipated number of project teams entering.
Teachers/Parents/Guardians need to register an account showing their teams interest by midnight 01 July 2024. Once registered, Teachers/Parents/Guardians can submit student project details and upload documentation associated with the project. Multiple submissions can be made and each project must be uploaded as a separate submission.
This is the final day for project report submissions details, including team member names and year group level, a project description, pictures of the project and other relevant information can be uploaded. Project documentation can be uploaded as a word document or pdf file, if you have multiple files per project please save these into a zip folder for uploading.
Please note: You can complete the project report submission process at any stage from the launch in February until the submission deadline, but you will need to have registered by the registration deadline to be able to complete the submission process.
After submissions close, an assessment panel will review all the project documentation submitted and we will schedule virtual judging rounds with each school/entering organisation. Entrants are able to continue developing and fine tuning their projects right up until the virtual judging review.
Each team will have 10 minutes with our judging panel, students have 5 mins to pitch/present/demonstrate their project, then judges have 5 minutes to ask further questions about the idea and positive feedback. All teams will receive written feedback and certificates of achievement/participation. If submitting a video, it is to be a maximum of 8 minutes in length.
All first place awardees from the state competitions will be invited to take place in the National Finals 2024. Dates and more information about this will be provided at a later date.