A few people have asked about Young ICT Explorers’ dates and times. Here’s the breakdown:
- June 14, 2014: deadline for teachers to register their teams’ interest in this year’s challenge
- July 7, 2014: students submit proposals
- 9 August – 13 September, 2014: Judging day (look up your region for exact date)
Let’s talk about the July 7 (student submission) date. At this point students upload their proposed ideas to the Young ICT Explorers website. This is where students start to solidify ideas – what challenge the student is solving or who will use this invention, how innovative is the idea, what technology is it using. Imagine this is as a pitching session – keep it short and simple (2-3 pages). Look at the judging criteria (creativity and innovation, quality/complete, difficulty, and documentation) – how on track are the ideas?
An important point: Students can keep working on their ideas right up to the judging day! We know that students ideas can (and will) develop during the weeks after the initial submission – that’s the whole purpose. While the submissions help each team solidify their thoughts and commit to a general direction they are by no means locked in. The Young ICT Explorers organising team will go through each submission and give feedback on whether the projects are on track for the judging criteria. We love it! It gives us an idea of what awaits at the judging day. Occasionally there are projects that need a bit of a nudge to come up with more creative technological projects but for the most part participants are right on the money.
If you have any questions leave a comment below or or reach out to Travis (travis.joy@sap.com)