Nationals Finals 2022
Year 3 – 4
First Place
Ashfield’s Safe Road Crossing
Aiden Noel, Jacob Dalton, Noah Young, Elizabeth Colquhoun
Ashfield Primary School
At our school our project and goal is to improve the safety of children walking to school. Our project involves designing and creating a prototype of a realistic crossroad section, however we are adding features to improve the safety of students crossing the road in front of our school. These additions include flashing lights to catch the attention of students and oncoming cars, an ultrasonic sensor to measure the distance between the car and boom gates, boom gates to guide the children to safely cross the road and LED signs to signal to cars to be prepared to stop for children to cross the road.
A few years ago our school started the process of implementing a lollipop person to significantly improve the safety of crossing our semi popular road, used by locals and surrounding visitors. Unfortunately, we were unable to get this process approved because the perimeter of our school grounds and the small number of students at our school (around one hundred and ten students) did not meet the exceptions of this process. We thought that it would be a good idea to create a system that can be used daily and usefully by children, so we didn’t hesitate to get started on the complicated code. If we are successful enough with our design we hope to be an inspiration to other schools to try to create a technology based program that is similar to ours that could be a solution for creating safer environments around and in schools.
Second Place
Emergency Button
Parteek Singh, Daniel Elliot, Jalil Khan, Sean Page
Willmott Park Primary School
Some days kids are not feeling it and they walk out of the classroom in frustration.
So my team and I have created the emergency button that alerts the wellbeing office. Because, when someone walks out and a teacher calls wellbeing sometimes they don’t answer because they are on the phone. With the emergency button, someone presses the button and a red light will turn on in the office to alert them that someone has walked out of the classroom.
Third Place
Eliza Davis, Harriet Grant, Rose Evans
St Joseph’s Bardon
Our friends inspired the project because they have dyslexia, and we are trying to take the stress out of dyslexia. Watching our friends struggle with their learning made us realise dyslexia is more than people think. Our project is an app to gain self-confidence, mindfulness and a text conversion feature. We also made a reading tool. We used Tinkercad to design our reading tool, Polar Cloud to slice the .stl image and our the FlashForge Adventurer 3 to print them. We made our app prototype in Keynote and we are now building the app in Scratch. We went through lots of designs for our reading tool and app and you can see this in our video.
Year 5 – 6
First Place
Medibot 3.0
Sol Crisp
St Andrew’s Cathedral School
Two years ago, I created a project called Medibot, a pill reminder system based on voice recognition technology and entered it into YICTE 2020. Last year I built Medibot 2.0 which could run on smaller and cheaper devices, allowed the carer to enter which pills to take and notified the carer when the pills were taken. This year, I will build Medibot 3.0, which will:
– have a more professional looking user interface
– record and track if pills are taken
– allow multiple different pill reminders per day / week
Second Place
Runway Racket
Eleanor Angus, William Smyth, Alice Cartmill, Rehan Dutta
East Brisbane State School
To understand our inner city noise environment better we designed a noise monitor to track noise levels, in particular noise contributed by overhead planes. We call our system the runway racket. Runway Racket monitors noise levels using an Arduino device connected via a local Wi-fi network to the Arduino IoT platform. When we login to our Arduino IoT cloud accounts we can see the data that our noise monitor has collected and uploaded. We can analyse this data from multiple geographically distributed areas to assess the volume of noise and its distribution throughout the day.
Third Place
Hot’n Cold Entry
Julian Douramanis, Harry Ferguson, Alex Giannakopoulos & Alex Kim
Waimea Heights Primary School
Our YICTE project is called the Hot’nCold Entry. Using a Raspberry PI we will make a project that will detect if someone is standing in front of a door. Then the user will check their temperature with a temperature gun. If the temperature is normal, then the door will open and if the temperature is too hot then the door will stay locked.s.
Year 7 – 8
First Place
Bee Monitoring System
Vinuka Gamage, Ashmit Pharande, Evan Jin, Swarit Dwivedi
CCD (Colony Collapse Disorder) is an issue plaguing bee colony around the world. The cause of CCD is still unknown, although there are many theories. To try and determine the root cause of this dire problem, we have designed a device that monitors and measures all the circumstances surrounding a beehive. Using cheap, cost effective, 3D printed models and raspberry pi, we can deploy our device around the world to monitor on a large scale and identify a pattern. We have included a weather station that monitors rainfall, wind direction and speed and air pressure. We have also included a camera with intelligent AI that can spot parasites on the bees. We have tested this, and it can differentiate between regular and infected bees. If it does detect any parasites, it will send a discord message to the beehive manager to save the beehive.
Second Place
Air Quality Monitoring app
Tanmay Unnikrishnan
Mansfield State High School
The project is an IoT air quality monitoring app that collects real-time PM2.5, ozone, carbon dioxide, temperature, humidity and VOC data and enables anyone to monitor indoor air quality using an app on their phone. This project has two components. A device has been fabricated using the Arduino circuit board which collects and sends the data to the Cloud using the ESP8266 Wi-Fi module. A separate mobile app retrieves the data from the Cloud and analyses it to develop graphs. Created using the KivyMD framework in Python, this user-friendly app also fabricates recommendations and suggestions tailored to each user’s needs. Lack of air quality can pose great threats to the well-being and health of individuals. People must be able to monitor an indoor environment’s air quality and take action accordingly. This project aims the development of a product that enables anyone to monitor indoor environments and therefore prevents harm caused by indoor air pollution.
Third Place
Intelligent Bin
Charles Tang
Prince Alfred College
Intelligent bin is a smart bin that uses artificial intelligence and machine learning to segregate different kinds of rubbish. Rubbish that isn’t being sorted properly is an increasingly large issue that must be stopped. If all your rubbish is dumped into landfill, then as it decomposes it will release methane, which, coincidentally, is the most harmful greenhouse gas and a major cause of global warming and climate change. By accurately sorting out rubbish instead of dumping it all together it not only takes up less space, but it also makes the world a more sustainable place and reduces our ecological footprint, as well as being better for public health and the environment.
By sorting and separating rubbish like plastics, metals, and papers, the rubbish will take up less space, pollution will be substantially reduced, and reusable materials won’t be wasted. If rubbish is dumped into landfill, then will eventually be dumped into the ocean, becoming a part of a floating garbage patch it the ocean. Most of the rubbish in garbage patches could’ve been recycled to save money, but it would now take hundreds of million dollars to remove and is not a pleasant habitat for animals.
Year 9 – 10
First Place
Pocket Sax
Jesaiah Creek
St George Christian School
Second Place
Music for the Hearing Impaired
Karshin Sachdeva
Currently, 1 in 6 Australians experience hearing loss or deafness with ages ranging from students to seniors. Research has established that deaf people experience and enjoy music through vibrations. Vibrations and perceiving musical notes are quite similar as they both are processed in the same part of the brain. Brain activity in the auditory cortex help the deaf person perceive music and feel emotions from it. People with hearing disabilities currently rely on loud speakers since they provide enough vibrations for them to feel the music. In the market, there are devices that can sense sirens and vibrate an individual’s hand to alert them; however, there is nothing in the market that fully allows hearing impaired people to use both touch and vision to experience music. To solve this, a wristband that consists of multiple vibrating motors can be placed on a deaf person’s wrist. One motor would play the melody whilst the other would play the bass. These vibrations allow hearing impaired individuals to enjoy and perceive music without disturbing anyone else.
Third Place
Never Forgotten
Alicia Chen, Aaralen Krahe, Joyan Zho
St Hilda’s Anglican School for Girls
Recently, news of children being left on busses with severe consequences like death or dehydration requiring emergency medical attention have prompted us to find a solution to ensure no person is ever forgotten on a bus.
We created a system called ‘Never Forgotten’ to be installed on busses which will prevent children, or any person being accidentally left on the bus.
The system is made up of circuitry comprising pressure switches and an audible alarm to notify the driver when the engine is turned off if a passenger is still on the bus.
Year 11 – 12
First Place
Jason Xu
Burgmann Anglican School
JEngine is an out-of-the-box framework designed for Unity developers. It encapsulates powerful functions. Beginners can also get started quickly and easily create games that can be updated hotly. So basically, user can update their game (assets + codes) in runtime, no need to upload to AppStore/Google Play and wait for review. At the same time, JEngine provides productive visualizing utilities, high-performance low-level codes and efficient programming features (also procedure) to support all the users and to provide them the ability to make game in an easy and nice (also high-performance) way. This project now has been used by 100+ enterprises and 1000+ individual game developers.
Second Place
Velocity AI
Joseph Morton
Lumen Christi College
Velocity AI is an automated traffic control system that leverages the power of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to create a dynamic and efficient solution, to the economic and environmental cost of traffic inefficiencies, which cause congestion and increase the greenhouse effect. The project was inspired by the eleventh United Nations Sustainable Development Goal (UNSDG) which strives to make cities and communities more resilient and sustainable. Velocity AI tracks vehicles surrounding the intersection to calculate the optimal traffic light configuration and duration to minimise idle time and congestion. The objective of the project is to contribute to a more productive and environmentally friendly economy, by reducing GDP lost due to inefficient transportation systems and by lowering fossil fuel emissions. This traffic control solution has the potential to be integrated into traffic systems globally, thus contributing to a stronger and more sustainable global economy.
Third Place
Stuart Vass
STACK is a game where you play as a stack of blobs collecting coins while avoiding the balls. You can play either by yourself or with a friend in co-op mode. The more coins collected, the taller your character (a stack). The game has been developed for all ages, but especially for 6 to 25-year-olds as an engaging, mindfulness, passing-the-time game – particularly important nowadays.
To explore how to play the game, as well as learn why it was designed the way it and sample game play, please watch the five-minute video